"What are your interests, Sophie?"
"What do you like to do?"
"What are your talents and/or passions?"
"What do you want out of life?"
"What can you tell us about yourself?"
I don't know. After sixteen years, I truly have no motherfucking idea. I wouldn't even know where to begin, because I don't know if there is a place to begin. I've spent more or less this entire year realizing what a spoiled, spineless, talentless waste of relatively fortunate birth I've been. How utterly I've squandered every opportunity. How everyone seems to see me with their unique combination of pity, confusion, and revulsion. Sophie, Sophie. What are we going to do with you? You had such promise. You've been such a collosal disappointment. We've been too polite to say so, but you've read our thoughts beautifully. We're saddened and embarrassed, make no mistake, we've also enjoyed all the schaudenfreude tremendously. Thank you ever so much for making a fool of yourself so consistently and reliably.
I have this awful feeling that this will only get worse.
I genuinely feel that I owe someone an apology.
are you 16? even if you aren't, you're clearly very young. in which case, it's absoloutely nonsensical to sound so distraught about your life. a lot of us don't know what we want out of life, a lot of us never really live up to the expectations of other people, leave alone our own. a lot of struggle daily to find a purpose, to feel meaningful, to do something useful.
it isn't so much about creating a 'good life' as it is about creating a great personality, and you seem to have done alright with that. don't kick yourself, we all get a little lost sometimes. a life without regrets : that's really as good as it gets.
If i were you i would be more worried about knowing the answers those questions. If you did, ir would take all the fun out of it.
You don't owe anyone but yourself anything...least of all an apology.
this was your reveiw on I talk to much
3. Train Wreck Below
This is one of my most despised blogspot templates. I’d rather see the dark blue dotted one. Yes. Really. The sidebar is OK but those ‘edit me’ links are still there. I keep feeling like this one may have been reviewed before though I couldn’t find it. Must be that crap ass template that looks familiar.
This girl is 16. She is extremely well spoken to the point of painfulness. Not a MySpAcE “wut or deh” to be found. I almost wish there was. This kid needs to be a kid in the worst way.
I always feel sorry for these teenagers. Always.
Be a 16 year old. Go to the movies, have boyfriends, giggle, wear belly shirts and low cut jeans...be a kid not a little adult. You will be an adult soon enough and honey, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
My heart bleeds for children like this.
I give it for the writing though she shouldn’t be writing like this imo.
Hah! Though now that I think about it, I've been kind of angsty as of late. Maybe I need to get laid or something. Is that adolescent enough for you, italk2much?
Woah, strangers! italk2much said the same thing to me. I think they're probably very girly-girl types, the kind that love low-cut jeans and crappy movies and can't stand smart sixteen-year-olds who use blogspot templates and think a lot.
So far as I can tell, you're not a depressive type, you're just an introspective and questioning type. You think enough that you periodically wonder why you haven't figured it out yet. Give yourself time! I'm sixteen and I have no idea what anything means, either. So far as I know, I have one real interest that will probably never come to anything and no real direction beyond that. But we have the rest of high school and college and possibly grad school in which to figure it out.
I am 25 and I still have no clue as to the direction of my life.
16 is forgivable. 25 is tolerable. I hope by 35 I'd be something :)
You're 16, baby, you ain't wasted nothing yet!
You have your writing, which is actually quite good and doesn;t make me want to blow up the nearest school in protest of the shitty skills they teach of late. Take strength in that. :)
And besides, EVERYONE'S a waste at 16. I'd say you're ahead of the curve.
You have your writing, which is actually quite good and doesn;t make me want to blow up the nearest school in protest of the shitty skills they teach of late. Take strength in that. :)
And besides, EVERYONE'S a waste at 16. I'd say you're ahead of the curve.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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