Existential Fantasy
I've realized that if I ever really truly want to be cool, like all these wonderful,cynical New Yorkers who I webstalk, I've got a long fucking way to go. I also would like to live in a Eugene Hutz dictatorship where everyone is gorgeous in quite a bizarre way, completely fucking insane, and constantly having sex. The outfits would all have lots of bright colors and odd scarves and communist medallions and such. And everyone would realize how pointless life is anyway and explode all the foundations of fear and stress that life implies. And we'd never get tired, hung over, or sad, and the food and booze would all be exceptional. I think if there is a God after all, albeit one who's too lazy to ever call his kids, and there is a heaven, and not one with these homoerotic Aryan angels with no stains on their gorgeous, rippling robes of blinding white, this crazy anarchy of pleasure must be it.
Sophie, I have to correct you. We're not insanely cool. In fact, I barely have any friends at my school now that Harry's grade graduated. (Harry's cool, but it's a recent development. Jaya is cool, too... but everyone else kind of sucks.) And the parties you saw on my photobucket were kind of lame and invariably ended in broken bottles.
I'm also one of those people who sort of hates pretty/cool people. A lot. It's actually an issue. I avoid fashionable stores, some of Harry's friends and movies with beautiful actresses for that reason. But I'm not one of them, so don't be intimidated.
Plus, I've never met you and I know you're awesome. You really should come to the city some time. You would make a very good New Yorker.
actually some of my friends *are* pretty/cool actresses that work at fashionable stores.
And sophie.
Ignore what Veronica said above.
All the people in New York are virtually the same as huge amazing bean bags filled with AWESOME.
Black bean bags. With a copy of The Onion sitting on them.
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