Train Wreck Below

Friday, June 09, 2006

Whiny White Women Wallowing

There are few things on this earth as shrill, irritating, bafflingly popular, and wasteful of pop culture space as Meg Ryan. As it is summer, and I am an American, I have been watching a slightly immoderate amount of TV in the last couple of days. French Kiss was on some mostly neglected movie channel that we get, one of those channels designed for chubby divorcees, middle-aged gay men and twenty six year old women who still wear mostly pink and worship people like Madonna . ELOVE, maybe?
French Kiss, for those of you who haven't seen it, features Kevin Kline as this horny, scuzzy, mustachioed French thief, and Meg Ryan, who, as always, has this ridiculous Tinkerbell hair and continuously makes really bizarre assumptions about the opposite sex. Kevin ends up following Meggie, the neurotic (God no! Meg Ryan?) history teacher, because of things he leaves in her bag, and must then chase her and retrieve. (A vine! So he can grow grapes! In a vineyard! Gee, maybe he's got hopes and aspirations! Maybe he's not such a shitbag after all!) Which means putting up with Meg Ryan, who is chasing her cheating fiancee, because when said fiancee sees her, he will realize the error of his ways and return home to Canada, and they will get married and become a boring Ontario couple with Christmas trees and high-achieving kids,and who are kept on a disturbingly short leash by their inlaws.
I didn't end up seeing the end, but is there ever any doubt to how a Meg Ryan movie is going to end?

I'm blogging about Meg Ryan. I think this is a pretty good indicator as to how stimulating this summer has been so far.

EDIT: Kevin Kline was totally hot.

EDIT EDIT: I saw the end. I confess, I was seduced. I mean, they ended up together! And they kissed! They FRENCH kissed! They lived happily ever after! In France! What on Earth made me think that I could defeat the Romantic Comedy? That superiority complex that Krissy shedded all over me ain't worth shit. I'm a lost cause.


At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

could've been worse. could've been j.lo. movies.

i'm thirty-five and i like that a bad thing? don't answer that.

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.


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